
Vilan van de Loo

Vilan van de Loo

Vilan van de Loo, the author of this publication

"During the summer of 1993 I realized how important Mrs. Kloppenburg had been in the Dutch East Indies. I learned from many older people who had lived in the Indies that around 1915 everybody in the Indies owned her book on medicinal herbs. And yet, hardly anyone could tell me anything about the author, Mrs. Kloppenburg. I have searched archives and registries in vain. Once famous and now almost forgotten? I decided that this should not be allowed to happen."
"And with that resolve I started my research on her life and her work. By now, the information I had been able to collect only served to strengthen my interest in her. The biography I wrote about her was just the beginning."

"My fascination involves careers, biographies. For example: about the Algemeen Nederlandse Vrouwenvereniging 'Tesselschade-Arbeid Adelt' (General Netherlands Society of Womens 'Tesselschade - Arbeid Adelt') I wrote the biography Toekomst door traditie. 125 jaar Tesselschade-Arbeid Adelt (1996) (Future because of Tradition, 125 years Tesselschade-Arbeid Adelt)."
"I wrote the introductory essay for the Jubilee Collection Rebels binnen de regels: het vrouwendispuut Arktos 1927-1997 (1997), (Rebels within the rules: the womens debating Society Arktos), dealing with a debate of the Amsterdam Corps.
Presently I am working as a independent journalist and write publications on a free-lance basis."

Vilan van de Loo


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